Welcome to the online study guide for The Corporation, the award-winning documentary by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, and Joel Bakan. The Corporation engages us in a darkly amusing account of the institution’s birth as a legal “person” whose prime directive is to produce ever-increasing profit for its shareholders regardless of the cost to anyone or anything. This pathological nature wasn’t always written in stone. Over a century ago, a corporation was merely an organized way of doing business. Today it is a global power that significantly influences our lives and our world.
This site provides educators and students with discussion questions, further readings, and web-based resources to explore the core concepts and issues addressed in the documentary. |
The Corporation is relevant to a variety of disciplines/subject areas, ranging from the natural sciences to the humanities, from politics and law to business. This study guide addresses seven areas as indicated on the navigation bar on the left: Business, Economics, Law, Philosophy, History, Media/Communications, and Politics. The material on this site can be easily adapted to other areas of study, including psychology, sociology, and education. The topics addressed in these different sections which can be incorporated into a variety of courses include: • Ethics • Corporate social responsibility • Politics and ideology • Economic and social interdependence among individuals, corporations and nations • Impacts of commercial activity on individuals, communities and the environment • Impacts of globalization
To view materials for a particular subject area, use the left navigation bar. Each contains three components:
• Discussion questions, which can be used and adapted by educators in class, as assignments, or for small group discussion;
• An annotated bibliography relevant to the subject area which suggests further reading on topics brought to light by The Corporation;
• A series of Web sites that provide further information on discussion question content which can be used by educators as supplementary reading, or by students for further research.
For additional information, visit The Corporation’s official Web site.
Note on the chapter navigation for The Corpration DVD: Please use the on-screen menus to access chapters. |