Annan, K.A. (2000, 21 March). “UN Committed to Ensuring World Water Security and ‘Blue Revolution,’ Says Secretary-General, in Message to World Water Forum.” In United Nations Press Release SG/SM/7334 21 Mar 00.
This statement provides additional information to supplement the Bolivian case of water privatization highlighted in The Corporation. |
Bishop, M. (2000, 29 January). “Globalisation and Tax: The Mystery of the Vanishing Taxpayer.” The Economist, 1-22.
This book purports that globalization is exposing serious flaws in tax systems that could lead to governments being unable to meet the legitimate demands of citizens for public services. Indirectly related to key themes in The Corporation, this reading can provide a jumping-off point for discussion about taxation and public commons. |
Collier, P. & Dollar, D. (2001). Globalization, Growth, and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy. Oxford University Press.
This book focuses on globalization in terms of growing economic integration resulting from the increased flow of goods and services, people, capital, and information. |
Garrett, Geoffrey, editor. (1998). Partisan Politics in the Global Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
This book discusses the future of the nation-state in a world of global markets. Unlike most studies asserting that global markets dominate national politics, this book argues that countries still possess considerable autonomy over policy choices. |
Held, D., McGrew, A., Goldblatt, D. & Perraton, J. (1999). Global Transformations—Politics, Economics And Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Looking at globalization as a process, the authors address the various aspects of this phenomenon, including patterns of global finance, global trade, and international markets. Empirical data is provided throughout, and topics are placed within a historical context. This book serves as a valuable companion to The Corporation for the student who wishes to see evidence of claims made. |
Popper, M. (2000, 24 April). “Globalization Threatens Workers, Thrills Investors” Business Week Online. Available online at www.businessweek.com.
This article highlights the differences in business practices from country to country, fitting with The Corporation’s themes of international inequities. |
Soros, G. (1998). The crisis of global capitalism: open society endangered. New York: Public Affairs.
In this book, Soros attempts to illustrate how the market system will destroy itself unless certain, fundamental changes are made to public policy and corporate activity. His suggestions, to an extent, parallel those made in The Corporation which focus on democratic action and shared social and environmental responsibility. |
Waring, Marilyn. (1990). If Women Counted; A New Feminist Economics. San Francisco: Harper.
Marilyn Waring, New Zealand Parliament and government member, offers her reknowned highly acclaimed vision of and concrete solutions for an economic system that encompasses ecology and housework. |
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Bureau of Economic Analysis
This site provides a variety of US economic statistics. These statistics can be used to better understand and to test claims made in The Corporation. |
Dollars and Sense: The Magazine of Economic Justice
This electronic publication provides “left perspectives on current economic affairs." Many of the topics and themes online parallel content in The Corporation. |
Global Issues that Affect Everyone
Over 5000 links to external articles, web sites reports and analysis are used to provide credence to the arguments made on this web site. The issue categories range from trade, poverty and globalization, to human rights, geopolitics and the environment. |
Library of Economics and Liberty
Provides extensive full text articles and links to topics ranging from political economy, to electoral finance, to key definitions of economic terms and concepts. |
Global Policy Forum
This site provides international policy information for novices, with particular emphasis on United Nations policy. It will benefit students wishing to gain better understanding of global economic issues as brought to light in The Corporation. |
International Economics Network
This site provides an introduction to international economics, useful to gain better understanding of themes related to globalization in The Corporation. |
The Economist
The online edition of The Economist provides a variety of online articles, many of which touch on themes in The Corporation. |
© Megan Boler, Trevor Norris & Laura Pinto, 2004 | site credits | The Corporation, A Zeitgeist Films Release |