Anand, S. & Sen, A.K. (1996). Sustainable human development: Concepts and priorities. New York: UNDP/ODS.
This booklet provides a rationale for bringing together a view of a “sustainable” world and the case for eliminating “inequities” in living conditions. The argument for “human development” is highlighted. |
Annan, K.A. (2000, 21 March). “UN Committed to Ensuring World Water Security and ‘Blue Revolution,’ Says Secretary-General, in Message to World Water Forum.” In United Nations Press Release SG/SM/7334 21 Mar 00.
This statement provides additional information to supplement the Bolivian case of water privatization highlighted in The Corporation. |
Bales, K. (2000). Disposable people: New slavery in the global economy. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Labour inequalities and injustices related to servitude, debt bondage, and contract slavery that have emerged through global supply chains are explored in this book. It provides additional data and cases to elaborate on issues highlighted in The Corporation. |
Ernst, W. J. (ed). 2000. Earth systems: processes and issues. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
This edited collection provides an interdisciplinary approach that integrates natural sciences, engineering, and economics with the environment. It provides a starting point for background knowledge of many issues raised in The Corporation. |
Hawken, P. (1994). The ecology of commerce: A declaration of sustainability. New York: Harper Business.
This is the book that Ray Anderson, CEO of Interface, read which changed his way of doing business and thinking about the environment and discussed at length in The Corporation. In the book, Hawken attempts to design a system that makes conservation profitable, productive, and possible for commercial entities. |
Miller, G. T. (2002), Living in the Environment, 13th Edition. Brooks/Cole, Belmount, California.
This comprehensive, introductory book provides background information about a variety of environmental science issues. It provides a starting point for background knowledge of many issues raised in The Corporation. |
Turner, B.L. (ed.). (1990). The earth as transformed by human action. London: Cambridge University Press.
This book provides information about a variety of ways that human action impacts the environment, specific to vignettes presented in The Corporation. |
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Alliance for Responsible Trade The Alliance for Responsible Trade (ART) is a national network of labour, family-farm, religious, women's, environmental, development and research organizations that promotes equitable and sustainable trade and development. |
Environmental Research Foundation Named after Rachel Carson, scientist and writer, this site provides a searchable database of resources on environmental health. Type “corporation” into database and connect to many resources and links connecting environment and corporations. |
Center for Genetics and Society A nonprofit information and public affairs organization working to encourage responsible uses and effective societal governance of the new human genetic and reproductive technologies. Links to extensive resources, readings, and articles on topics of ethics, environment, genetics. |
Global Issues that Affect Everyone Over 5000 links to external articles, web sites, reports and analysis are used to provide credence to the arguments made on this web site. The issue categories range from trade, poverty and globalization, to human rights, geopolitics and the environment. |
Global Trade Watch Global Trade Watch (GTW), a division of Public Citizen, the national consumer and environmental group, challenges corporate globalization. The site provides additional information relating to many topics and themes in The Corporation. |
Sustainable Business.com This site provides new information about sustainable business practices, and provides an interesting companion resource to The Corporation which will allow students to compare and contrast practices and recommendations. |
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) WBCSD is a coalition of 170 corporations interested in sustainable development through economic growth, ecological balance and social progress. This Web site can be used to assess and compare practices highlighted in The Corporation. |
Yale Center for Environmental Law and Politics This site provides a variety of relevant publications for those interested in environmental law, as well as a link to the environmental sustainability index. The site will be helpful to those seeking additional information on themes addressed in The Corporation. |
Through the Looking Glass: Corporate Responsibility in the Media and Entertainment Sector A 2002 publication by a London group called SustainAbility, this unusual policy report analyzes corporate media’s “footprint” or effects on society and the environment. |
© Megan Boler, Trevor Norris & Laura Pinto, 2004 | site credits | The Corporation, A Zeitgeist Films Release |