Anthony Falikowski. Moral Philosophy for Modern Life. New York: Prentice Hall, 1998.
A primer on moral philosophy for undergraduates, this text begins with key moral theories from Plato to John Rawls and includes sections on Business Ethics and Global Ethics. A great springboard for discussion of general moral principles and their application to the themes of The Corporation. |
Estes, Ralph W. Tyranny of the Bottom Line: Why Corporations Make Good People Do Bad Things. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1996.
This text discusses how the corporate system, originally created to serve the public interest, acquired immense power over the public and overrides the intentions of those who work in them. Raises significant moral issues corresponding to those discussed in The Corporation. |
Murphy, Patrick, et al. Ethical Marketing. New York: Prentice Hall, 2004
This text includes sections on applied ethics and connects to issues raised in The Corporation concerning advertising and marketing. |
Kingwell, Mark. Better Living: In Pursuit of Happiness from Plato to Prozac. New York: Penguin, 1999.
A wide ranging book aimed at a popular audience by a noted Canadian philosopher which connects contemporary consumerism and the effects of corporate persuasive techniques with several key texts in the history of philosophy. For those students interested in a philosophical critique of the central issues explored in The Corporation. |
Singer, Peter. Blackwell Companion to Ethics. New York: Blackwell, 1999.
This volume contains several essays by important philosophers which survey the history of ethical theory and contemporary issues. Its range of interpretations can provoke class debate and be linked with moral issues raised in the documentary. |
Feinberg, Joel. Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy. Belmont, California: Wadsworth, 2001.
This anthology of readings in the history of philosophy provides an introduction to basic philosophical issues and can be used to initiate students to a discussion of the central themes of The Corporation. |
Blackburn, Simon. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. New York: Oxford, 1994.
This reference book can be used by students new to philosophy in order to clarify key terms for interpreting and criticizing the central themes of The Corporation. |
Galbraith, John Kenneth. The Affluent Society. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998 (1958).
This classic, by one of this centuries most popular political economists, explores the notion of “abundance” in modern society. Addressing issues of inequity and complacence in the face of growing economic security and affluence, Galbraith advocates increased government expenditure on public infrastructure. |
M. Francis Reeves. Platonic Engagements: A Contemporary Dialogue on Morality, Justice and the Business World. Lanham, Maryland: University of America Press, 2004.
In this recent undergraduate philosophy text, essential questions about individual morality, social justice, education, politics, and management are drawn from Plato’s dialogues. Its relevance to issues of contemporary capitalist society is made clear, and Plato's own dialogue form is adopted by the author so as to make the debate compelling to today's reader. Of interest to anyone examining the relevance of this classic text to modern corporations and the philosophical issues they raise. |
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Business Ethics Magazine This periodical seeks to advance the ethical practice of business. The site provides a variety of articles and reports about positive and negative aspects of corporate citizenship and includes links to sample corporate codes of ethics. |
Immanuel Kant Weblinks This site contains links to writings by and about Kant, as well as a glossary and introductory writings. It will be of interest to any student researching the connection between Kant and the ethical issues raised by The Corporation. |
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy This site contains an extensive alphabetized list of philosophy references, including thinkers, topics. It can be useful as an introduction to the basics of several ethical theories, including virtue ethics, feminism, deontology and utilitarianism which can be applied to various issues presented in The Corporation. |
International Business Ethics Institute This site links to a private educational organization focused on Business Ethics within an international context. It can be used by students to gain an understanding of how the notion of ethics is being used in the business world, and can be measured against issues raised in The Corporation and ethical theories found in the history of philosophy. |
Philosophy in Cyberspace This online philosophy resource contains a search engine and several sections covering key branches of philosophy, as well as textual resources such as philosophy journals, organizations and forums. |
Philosophy Pages This webpage contains a dictionary of philosophical terms and names, and a timeline of the history of western philosophy. It can serve as an online reference for philosophy students using philosophical concepts to comment on and critique The Corporation. |
Utilitarianism Resources This site contains numerous links on a wide range of issues relating to utilitarianism and its classical theorists and contemporary critics. It can be of use to any student using utilitarianism to examine the theme of The Corporation. |